

24/7 Linux Technical Support

    Are you stuck? Need a Linux professional? Having an emergency and your sysadmin or Linux consultant is AWOL?

    We can provide you with 24/7 access to experienced technicians who can help you solve problems with any Linux distribution -- Red Hat, Debian, SUSE, Fedora Core, CentOS, Ubuntu -- you name it.

Call Us

    We know this technology, inside and out, and we can help you get over the hurdle that threatens to keep you stuck for the next few hours, or longer!

What kinds of problems can we solve?

    Anything Linux-related and more: operating system upgrades; software installation, configuration and optimization; Apache; e-mail and anti-spam configuration; database work; security; and of course, software porting.

What does it cost?

    We provide very competitive rates, and you will be provided with a quote before work will proceed. In general, our rate is determined by the response time you require.

Tell us your Linux problem!

    Please take a few moments to tell us about your Linux needs!

· Name:  
· Email:  
  Is your system remotely accessible via a secure shell (ssh) or VPN?
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